Apply for an IOF Event


There is two procedures for applying for IOF Events and this page is divided into two sections:


Major Events


Open Applications and Key planning Documents

Events open for application are found in the file structure below. All have deadline for application 1 January 2025. The Events are sorted per discipline and every Event is presented via an Application notes document that also contains key notes to deliver a strong application. The application form itself also contains guidance on how to submit the application.

Here you also find the key planning documents IOF Events Application Overview

(Events from last years application period, that have not got an organiser appointed can be applied for as soon as possible. Right now this only concerns SkiO & MTBO Events. Please contact the relevant Discipline Commission with your interest.)


Plan for applying – key planning documents

IOF Events Application Overview

Use this document to do long term planning and see which events that are open for application in the current application period and the coming.

The document contains:

  • a list of all application periods for coming IOF Events (+ 5 Years)
  • a list of all appointed IOF Events (Date and Venue)
  • a list of appointed and coming IOF partner events; major national orienteering events and major international sports events.
IOF Policy on conflicting events dates

This document describes the priority order of deciding event dates. It also contains a calendar with event periods for IOF FootO Events. The calendar can be found in Appendix 1: IOF Event Period Calendar for Foot Orienteering Events.

IOF Event fees

This document is produced once a year. IOF Council decides on fees in one of their meeting each year. The fees are set for the coming application period, which means that the events differ for how far in the future fees have been set. (Event fees for the application period 2024-05-01 to 2025-01-01 is the recent ones decided.) All figures in the tables of this document are expressed in EURO. The fees are also found in the Application Notes for each event and finally written into the contract that the IOF signs with the organising federation after an event has been appointed.



World Ranking Events (WRE)

World Ranking Events are important for athletes and Federations. By participating athletes will recieve world rankings points which often is used as criteria for deciding start order in IOF Events. From the World Ranking lists, a Federation League Table is created which is used for determining national quotas for the World Cup. Normally, the idea to host an IOF WRE Event comes from either a national Organiser or the member Federation. The Organiser and the Federation agree on this and appoints a IOF Event Adviser. The formal application for a World Ranking Event is done by the Federation in IOF Eventor. There is no limit on the number of WREs that a Federation may nominate each year. The general deadline is to apply for a WRE before 30th September the year before the events. IOF Office and the relevant Discipline Commissions will manage and approve the application.


Apply for a WRE by using IOF Eventor

The Organiser sends mandatory information to the Federation. (The word template, see below, may be used to collect information form the organiser to the Federation.)

  • The Federation formally applies in IOF Eventor*
  • IOF Office and the Discipline Commission processes and approves the application using IOF Eventor.
  • The Event becomes visible in the IOF Eventor Event Calendar

*A WRE responsible person from the Federation should log in to IOF Eventor as a Federation administrator and fill out an electronic form for each WRE. Click the menu Administration/Events/Apply for World Ranking Event, choose discipline and click Next. Support: IOF Eventor Guides


Application time and contacts per Discipline


  • Events taking place 1 April to December 31 should be applied for 1 June to 30 September the year before the events.
  • Late applications may be accepted. A late fee of EUR 50 / WRE competition will be charged for applications received later than 1 January, provided that the application is approved. Contact: IOF FootO Commission


  • Events taking place 1 April to December 31 should be applied for 1 June to 30 September the year before the events.
  • Late applications may be accepted. Please contact IOF MTBO Commission
  • The IOF MTB Orienteering Commission will normally only accept applications for two World Ranking Events on a weekend.


  • The SkiO season starts 1 November.
  • Events taking place 1 April to December 31 should be applied for 1 June to 30 September the year before the events.
  • Late applications may be accepted. Please contact Adrian Wickert in IOF SkiO Commission before applying.


  • Events taking place 1 April to December 31 should be applied for 1 June to 30 September the year before the events.
  • Late applications may be accepted. Please contact IOF TrailO Commission
  • The IOF Trail Commission will normally only accept applications for two World Ranking Events on a weekend.

Rules and Guidelines

The IOF World Ranking System defined in The World Ranking Scheme Rules which also contain some basic requirements. Many rules for WRE can also be found in the the Competition rules. For specific guidelines in each discipline, se links below:


WRE Service Fee for IOF members in Group 1-6

3 EURO per entered athlete. Minimum 120 EURO. Max 600 EURO.
An invoice will be sent to the federation the month following the WRE competition and the number will be adjusted to the correct number of entries. To find the link to your federation membership group, follow link: Link to membership groups.

WRE Service Fee for members in Group 7 -10

1 EURO per entered athlete. Minimum 40 EURO. Max 200 EURO.
An invoice will be sent to the federation the month following the WRE competition and the number will be adjusted to the correct number of entries. To find the link to your federation membership group, follow link: Link to membership groups.

WRE Application form Templates