Here you can find information regarding the IOF IT Requirements, Data Standards and Systems. Presentations from previous open IT meetings are available in the section IT Commission Documents.
IOF Quality Requirements, Standards and Approved Systems
The IT Area at an IOF Major Event is complex and demanding, more than most people imagine. To help organizers understand what it takes to set up the IT systems that are needed to achieve a successful major IOF Event, the IOF IT Commission released IOF IT requirements and a quality assurance framework during 2018
During 2023 next quality step was taken when the Timing Manual for World Orienteering Championships and Orienteering World Cup was released. The Timing Manual describes the requirements, and ways to fulfil the requirements for timekeeping and integration with TV production, so that we can deliver a consistent quality of timekeeping and results in our TV broadcasts.
IOF Timing Manual for World Orienteering Championships and Orienteering World Cup 1.2 May 2023
IOF Major Event IT Requirements 1.0 March 2018
IOF Major Event IT Infrastructure Best Practices 1.0 October 2020
Electronic punching and approved punching systems
Proven Timekeeping Systems in Orienteering 1.1.2 January 2021.pdf
IOF Timing and Punching System Report
To monitor the quality of timing and punching processes, the IT Commission wants to collect information and statistics about the systems in use in orienteering today. The aim is to detect any recurring problems, enhance guidelines and educational material and base future directions and decisions on facts. As we do not want to increase the reporting workload of the organiser, the form is quite short and to the point.
We ask you to fill in the fields that are relevant for your competition, and if you had any particular difficulties, feel free to elaborate in detail in the comment part. Please read through the form before starting to fill in, because it’s not possible to change anything after submission.
Should you have any questions regarding the form, please contact IOF IT Commission.
IOF Systems
IOF Eventor
Technical description how to use IOF XML in communication with IOF Eventor
World Ranking System (WRS)
LIVE Orienteering
FAQ (Frequently asked Questions)
For information
IT Open meeting documents