Trail Orienteering Commission

Trail Orienteering Commission (TOC) is the interface between the International Orienteering Federation (IOF) Council and the Trail Orienteering community regarding the development and implementation of the Trail Orienteering sport (TrailO) worldwide.

Its role is to promote equal opportunities for women and men, old and young, able bodied and those with mobility impairments that prevent full participation in other forms of orienteering. All participants benefit from Trail Orienteering’s physical and mental challenges.

The responsibilities of the TOC are:

  • Develop and implement the TrailO strategy-regionally and globally
  • Promote TrailO sport and events to sponsors and grant providers
  • Control the quality of TrailO events and community development activities
  • Global dissemination of Trail Orienteering sport
  • Reporting on the progress of the TrailO sport in meeting the targets and development plans
  • Inspire and support the TrailO Event organizers to maintain quality through training, seminars, workshops and mentoring
  • Support local TrailO development projects within orienteering federations

The members of the Trail Orienteering Commission constitute a diverse group of men and women representing different areas of Trail Orienteering sport and geography. The Commission relies on their expertise, networks and influence to promote specific policies on the international sports agenda.

As an advisory body of the IOF, TOC benefits from the services and secretarial support of the IOC Office.

TOC members are appointed by Council for a period of two years and can be re-appointed.

See the composition of TOC below.


Trail Orienteering Commission Remits 2023-2024


Members Trail Orienteering Commission

Chairperson Anne Straube (GER)

chair.toc (at)

Martin Fredholm (SWE)

martin.fredholm (at)

Ilze Lapina (LAT)

[email protected]

Eero Hakanen (FIN)

ehakanen1 (at)

Jana Kostova (CZE)

ja.kostova (at)

João Pedro Valente (POR)

jpvalenteh (at)

IOF Medical Experts

Santeri Kenttä (FIN)