The World ranking list is a dynamic list, that shows the leading athletes in TrailO. The athletes receive points by participating in World Ranking Events.
The IOF Competition Rules for TrailO, §6.6, states that “The top 15 in the World Ranking list…” will get an extra place in the WTOC PreO O class and TempO (see §6.6 for full details).
Trail Orienteering World Ranking
P class ranking list
The IOF Competition Rules for TrailO, §6.6, states that “The top 15 in the World Ranking list with a valid eligibility certificate…” will get an extra place in the WTOC PreO P class (see §6.6 for full details). To easier see, who are in the running for these 15 extra places, a subset of the the ranking list has been compiled showing only competitors with a valid certificate.
This ranking list will be updated when needed. Either when changes to the ranking occur or when status of eligibility certificate changes.