Orienteering events in India attract more than 1000 participants
A number of orienteering events in India over the past nine months have had around 1750 people try their hand at the sport. To date India has had 4 clubs, but four more are on the way, meaning six of the country’s ...
Here are the candidates for the 2024 IOF Council Elections
The list of candidates for the 2024 IOF Council elections taking place at IOF General Assembly on July 15th is now final as the deadline for nominations has passed. During this year’s General Assembly, a President, two V...
New basic Fair Play E-learning course available
How should you act if you know the terrain before a race, meet an injured runner in the forest or are asked for directions? These are some of the topics covered in the new basic Fair Play course, that has just become ava...
New IOF Athlete Representatives elected
Athlete Representatives to the IOF Athletes’ Advisory Groups for the new two-year term 2024-2026 has been elected by the athletes for all four disciplines. See the election results here....
Independent athlete participation in World Ranking Events
Following consultation with the Member Federations and IOF Athlete Representatives, the IOF Council has unanimously approved to open up for independent athlete participation in World Ranking Events through IIA status for...