World Orienteering Day approaches

With World Orienteering Day 2019 approaching, the orienteering community is stepping up its efforts in preparation for the event. In the most recent WOD Newsletter, you can read about the approach of both British Orie...


IOF High Level Event Seminar presentations published

All presentations at the IOF High Level Event Seminar and TV seminar held in Praha recently are now published online. You find all interesting presentations here  ...


Restart of the IOF Environment and Sustainability Commission

The IOF Environment and Sustainability Commission has two new members; Stefano Bisoffi, Italy, who is the new Chairperson, and Andrei Yakauleu from Belarus. The IOF Environment and Sustainability Commission has three mai...


Trail Orienteering Athlete of the Year: Ján Furucz

Ján Furucz, current world champion in PreO and silver medallist in TempO, has been chosen as the TrailO Athlete of 2018 as a result of his remarkable performances during last season. Furucz grew up in an orienteering fam...


MTB Orienteering Athlete of the Year: Martina Tichovska

The Czech athlete Martina Tichovska has been the clear queen of MTBO in 2018. She won five medals at the World MTBO Championships, one in each race: two gold medals in Long Distance and the Relay plus three silver medals...
