IOF releases Carbon Footprint Report for 2022

The International Orienteering Federation has released its Carbon Footprint Report for 2022, which estimates the CO2 emissions of the federation in the past year.

The report has been created by IOF’s Environment and Sustainability Commission and Office based on reports from around 120 people in IOF’s office, Council and commissions and estimates the total emissions in 2022 to 53,7 tonnes CO2e.

That is a slight increase compared to the level in 2020 and 2021, which were heavily affected by the COVID-19 restrictions.

But compared to the pre-pandemic year 2019, the total emissions of CO2e have dropped with around 80 percent.

Travel still constitutes by far the largest part of IOF’s total emissions. Measures taken by Council in early 2020 to reduce in presence meetings and enhance use of teleconferencing have significantly reduced them.

IOF is one of several hundred signatories of the UNFCCC and IOC Sports for Climate Action initiative, which aims at supporting and guiding sports actors in achieving global climate change goals.

As partner of the Sports for Climate Action movement, IOF has also signed the renewed commitments of the Race-to-Zero campaign and decided to exceed them by keeping under the level of emissions of 50% of the base year (2019) throughout the whole period until 2030, instead of gradual approach. 2022 emissions are well within the 50% limit.

The full Carbon Budget Report for 2022 can be found in the Environment and Sustainability section on the homepage.