What started up just as an idea was realised on May 11th 2016, the first World Orienteering Day!
It turned out to be a huge success; more than 250,000 participants all over the world took part in an orienteering event. Schools, clubs and enthusiasts in all parts of the world made a fantastic contribution.
On Wednesday May 24th 2017, the second World Orienteering Day took place. It was an even greater success than 2016, with 288,675 participants all around the world taking part in an orienteering event. This was a new record, with at least 35,000 more participants than the previous year.
For 2018 and the third World Orienteering Day, there were hopes for more. On Wednesday May 23rd 2018, 358,735 participants all around the world were registered taking part in an orienteering event. Once again, a great success.
World Orienteering Day continued with more participants than ever during 2019 when the fourth World Orienteering Day took place. This time, 398,712 participants all around the world enjoyed taking part in an orienteering event.
The World Orienteering Day 2020 was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. No activities were registered as World Orienteering Day events during 2020, but a lot of events took place anyway where they were able to be organised.
This year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic there are two opportunities to register World Orienteering Day events, both in May and in September. Between May 19th and May 25th, and September 8th and September 14th, any activity held can be registered as a World Orienteering Day event.
Take the chance to let others experience orienteering!
Be part of something Bigger
– Colour the World!