Since the publication of the International Standard for Orienteering Maps (ISOM) 2017, the IOF Map Commission has collected feedback and assessed the need for updates to the standard, based upon actual use. The Map Commission has proposed a number of minor corrections, clarifications and improvements in the standard document. These updates were recently approved by the IOF Council Event Supervisory Board (ESB) for inclusion in a revision of the standard.
The revised standard document is being edited and will be published in its entirety when complete. However in the interest of informing the international mapping community about the approved updates as soon as possible the list of updates can be found on the Mapping Resources page. Direct link to the updates document here.
The most significant updates to the ISOM 2017 standard are
- The removal of symbol 411 Vegetation, Impassable
- The inclusion of a new symbol for Stairway
These updates are approved and should be implemented for ongoing mapping projects using the ISOM 2017 standard.