Administrative Resources

In these pages you will find general guidelines in administrative tasks involving:
  • IOF Information systems (IOF Eventor)
  • Results management
  • Medals and diploma management
  • Bulletins management

Results management

IOF Result Reporting Instruction.pdf IOF Result Import Template_XML.xml IOF Results Import Excel Template.xls

Eventor guides

Link to sub pages


There are no specific Bulletin template but reuse the most recent bulletins as a template for bulletin creation. What each bulletin should contian at a minimum is stated in the Competition Rules.

Standard texts in bulletins

Use this text for Anti-Doping

"Doping is strictly forbidden and the organizers of /XYZ/ are dedicated to supporting the anti-doping authorities in their work. Doping tests are always carried out in accordance with the procedures described in the WADA International Standard for Testing. The IOF Anti-Doping Code and rules and the World Anti-Doping Code 2015 apply as of 1st January 2015. Athletes who are selected for the doping tests must bring an official identification (with photo) to the doping test area. The athlete should also bring along their therapeutic use exemption (TUE) if applicable. In general, it is advisable that the athletes bring along their ID to all the competitions and events. For more information, please consult: Anti-Doping "

Use this text for Athlete licence (Valid only for World Championships and World Cups)

"All participants need a valid IOF Athlete licence. To have a valid licence, the athlete need to sign an athlete licence form and pay an annual fee of 40 EURO. From season 2023 and onwards it is an digital process for Athletes Licenses. The digital process needs to be done once a year. Payments of the annual licence fee is done in IOF Eventor, please consult the proper IOF Eventor Guide for this. To find the rules and forms and more information, please consult: Athletes licence "

IOF Diploma management

For most of the Events IOF sends a full set of printed diplomas to the organisers. For sustainability reasons, some Events get's a request to print the diplomas locally. In that case, the IOF Office will send pdf-templates to the organisers. The organisers write the "Place", "Competition", Name of athlete", "Place and date" with a pen on the diplomas. Example:

IOF Medals management

IOF Provides medals for IOF Events.
  • Normally, the medals is sent to the organiser at the latest at -1 month.
  • All medals are sent without a neck ribbon (hanger) and the organiser must provide ribbons.*

Facts about the IOF medals (all disciplines)

In all IOF Championships, and World Cups the medals has a opening in the loop where the neck ribbon can be attached. This enables pre-sewn neck ribbons to be easily be attached by the organiser.
  • The medal has a OPEN loop
  • The loop is 25 mm wide. Choose ribbon size accordingly.
* Medals awarded to Overall World Cup winners and top three, comes with a ribbon provided by the IOF.  

Engrave ‘extra’ medals in case of a tied medal placing

All medals come to the organiser fully engraved/with stickers. There is also a set of un-engraved medals sent in case there is a tie. Medals that need engraving due to that the event had tied medal placing can be managed in two ways:
  1. The organiser engrave the medals and hand over to the medalist during the event. (this is the preferred way)
  2. The organiser collects medal information, name and address to the medalist and send un-engraved medals it to IOF Office.