More sustainable Event Service fees and Anti-Doping Contribution system approved

The IOF Council has approved a new Event Service Fee System and Anti-Doping Contribution System for MTB Orienteering, Ski Orienteering and Trail Orienteering events.

The new fees aim to create a better and financially more sustainable system, which makes it more viable to organize IOF Events in these disciplines.

The process towards the changes has been characterized by a large involvement of IOF’s Member Federations, which have been consulted through digital surveys, a Member Information Meeting and a session in conjunction with the 2024 pre-General Assembly.

The changes represent a significant lowering of service fees for major events in the 3 disciplines, in total approximately a 40% reduction from the current system. The Council further hopes that the lower fees will also feed forward to some degree to the member federations and athletes through reduced entry fees, thereby enabling higher participation.

Detailed information about the changes to the system have been sent out to all member federations and can be found on the IOF website section “Apply for an IOF Event”.

Application deadline extended
Further to this, the IOF Council has decided to extend the application deadline until 30 April 2025 for the Major Events in SkiO and MTBO where no applications were submitted by the original deadline on 31 December 2024.

The applicable events are where no applications have been received by the ordinary deadline can be found at the “Apply for an IOF Event”-site in The revised fee system is valid for these events and reflected in the respective application documents.

Top photo: Timo Mikkola / Gronlait Orienteering Team / Erling Thisted