Minutes of the XXIX IOF General Assembly published

The Minutes of the XXIX IOF Ordinary General Assembly have been approved and are now published here on the IOF website. Read all about the various reports, proposals and the Council elections which took place.

The General Assembly approved several amendments and changes to the IOF Statutes and the IOF Code of Ethics and updated versions of these have also been published.

At the General Assembly an additional agenda item was added as a matter of urgency. The item (13.9) was regarding the adoption of an IOF Policy on Preventing Sexual Harassment and Abuse in Orienteering. The agenda item resulted in the adoption of a resolution from the General Assembly, with the following wording.

The members of the International Orienteering Federation resolve to:

  • Uphold the orienteering values of inclusiveness and ethical behaviour by
    encouraging our own members to show respect for individual differences and
  • Abide by the IOF Policy on the Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Abuse and
    educate our own members about the same.
  • Adhere to the IOF Code of Ethics and embrace the good governance of our sport.

During the weekend in Prague the IOF Council also held 2 meetings. The minutes of the meetings have also been published here.

Note: The Minutes of the General Assembly are approved and are being circulated for signature so the uploaded file is without signatures.  The signed version will be uploaded when completed.