The minutes of the latest IOF Council Meeting, which took place 18-19 January in Warsaw, Poland, are now published.
The first meeting since the General Assembly in October, and the focus was on planning the implementation of the Strategic Directions. This included discussing allocation of areas of responsibility, prioritisation of different areas, and updated Key Performance Indicators.
Among other decisions made, the Thai Orienteering Association (TOA) was approved as a member of the IOF, with the membership application of the the Hellenic Federation of Modern Pentathlon in process.
Other notable decisions include the appointment of Italy as organiser for WMOC 2022, Brasil as organiser of SAOC 2020, and the Czech Republic as organisers for WTCO 2022.
The Minutes are published in full here.
Many of the IOF Commissions also held meetings in conjunction with the IOF Joint Meeting of Council and Commissions. You may read the minutes of the Regional and Youth Development Commission meeting here, and those of the Map Commission meeting here.