During its meeting on November 11, IOF Council decided to update the scoring system for the World Ranking.
From January 1st, 2023 the raw World Ranking points in FootO, MTBO and SkiO will be enhanced by different percentages, depending on the level of the event.
(World Championships 5%, World Cup 2,5% and Regional championships 1,25%).
A cap of 1375 points for all events (before enhancement by the percentages) will now apply.
With the decision to update the system, IOF Council emphasized that the World Ranking system should be used more extensively as the determining factor for qualifications, starting order etc. at IOF events.
At the same meeting, Council decided to update the rules for changing of sports nationality.
The motivation was to develop a better process and regulate more in detail how athletes change sport nationality in the IOF.
The new competition rules read:
6.1. A competitor may represent only one Federation at any time. They must be a citizen of the country of that Federation. They must be able to provide either a passport or other valid documentation proving their citizenship. All competitors must ensure that the Federation they represent is correctly recorded in IOF Eventor.
6.2. Requests for change of Federation representation will be checked by the IOF Office and will come into effect on 15th April or 15th November. A competitor may not change their Federation representation more frequently than once every four years.
The updated rules for changing of sports nationality within IOF goes into effect on January 1st, 2023 for FootO, MTBO and TrailO and from April 1st, 2023 for SkiO.